Lately, Performance Marketing became a buzzword amongst digital marketers. Many companies started to pay closer attention to this topic.

Indeed Performance Marketing has significantly evolved during the last decades due to the development of new technologies development and change in consumer behavior.

Simply put, Performance Marketing is marketing that is based on campaign performance. It is also known as β€œPay for Performance Advertising”. In other words, it refers to an advertising strategy, where advertisers are paid only for measurable results: for example, clicks, leads, etc.

Nowadays, to be successful it is crucial to have a clear Performance Marketing Strategy. It allows digital marketers to have more control over marketing campaign spending. Moreover, it provides a clear picture of how marketing investments work in action and how they can be optimized.

Guide: What do You Need to Know About Performance Marketing?

Guide: Performance marketing

In this article, we will provide you a guide through the topic of Performance Marketing. We share an overview of the questions we have addressed in our blog on this topic.

1. Why you should start doing Performance Marketing and how AI can assist you in doing it

Why start doing Performance Marketing

In our first article about Performance Marketing, we talk about different types of Performance Marketing and benefits of this concept. In addition, we share tips on how it can be improved with the help of AI technologies.

First article about Performance Marketing

2. Social media & Google ads – why they are still important in 2020

Social media & Google ads 2020

This article provides an overview of how Performance Marketing is represented in social media advertising and Google Ads. You will learn how you can benefit from using various advertising channels. Additionally, we provide tips on how to use them and for what purposes.

Second article about Performance Marketing

3. The most common mistakes marketers make while setting up ads on Google or Facebook

Common mistakes in Performance Marketing

What are the main mistakes digital marketers make while setting up ad campaigns on Google or Facebook? In this article, we talk about the most common mistakes that can impact your campaign performance. In addition, we share tips on how to avoid making them.

Third article about Performance Marketing

4. Checklist: 10 Steps How to Boost Your Facebook Ad Performance

Boost Facebook Ad Performance

Indeed, Facebook Ads can be very effective in bringing more traffic, clicks, and leads in no time. However, sometimes despite all our efforts and long hours of work the Ad performance can be surprisingly far below our expectations. What are the reasons? And how can you ensure great Facebook Ad performance in the future? In this article, we share 10 tips on how Facebook Ad performance can be improved.

4th article about Performance Marketing

5.  10 approaches to improve your digital marketing campaign performance

digital marketing campaign performance improvement

When it comes to the planning of digital marketing campaigns, plenty of things need to be taken into account. It can be very challenging since nowadays technologies are changing and enhancing extremely fast and sometimes it can be impossible to pay attention to everything. How not to get lost in these flows of information?

This article is devoted to the topic of marketing campaign improvement. We share 10 tips on how digital marketing campaign performance can be enhanced. You will learn how to plan your digital marketing campaigns and how to make sure you get the most out of them.

5th article about Performance Marketing

6. How can AI improve marketing campaign performance?

AI in Performance Marketing

What are the benefits of AI implementation in performance marketing? In this article, we talk about modern trends in digital marketing, main challenges and reasons for poor campaign performance, and the growing popularity of AI-driven strategies. You will learn how to improve your marketing campaign performance with the help of AI.

6th article about Performance Marketing

Performance marketing is one of the most comprehensive topics in digital marketing.

We aimed to create a practical-oriented guide for you to better understand this complex area of marketing.We hope that our articles will help you to enhance your skills and easily surf for success in digital marketing πŸ™‚