Press Release

Five Trends for Performance Marketing in 2024

New advertising channels emerging / Generative AI shaping content / Display-free access to AI / Omnichannel approach becoming imperative / AI evolving into a strategic co-pilot

Zurich and Berlin, December 14, 2023 – The influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the marketing landscape is set to continue its profound impact in 2024. Strategic performance marketing, in particular, stands to benefit immensely. AI algorithms excel at analyzing vast amounts of collected data on customer interactions, interest-driven behaviors, and transactions, optimizing marketing activities across the board. In the forthcoming year, AI will increasingly function as a co-pilot to marketing experts, offering unwavering support and autonomous optimization of operational activities. Moreover, the realm of human-machine interaction is undergoing a noteworthy evolution, with voice-controlled and personalized platforms gaining prominence. Channels offering AI-generated personalized experiences and content will experience a surge in popularity and may soon become new advertising avenues. These technological advancements will allow performance marketers to focus more on their strategic responsibilities. The experts at AI marketing analytics startup Nexoya reveal the five trends that will be crucial for performance marketing professionals in 2024.

1. New advertising channels emerging
The rapid evolution of information through generative AI can give rise to new platforms in a short time. Generative AI models learn patterns and structures from inputted data such as text, images, or other media, and then automatically generate new data, including personalized content or real-time advertisements. The rapid growth of the audio platform Clubhouse, for example, demonstrated how an extreme network effect can suddenly emerge, attracting end-users like a magnet – giving birth to a new advertising platform. We expect a similar dynamic effect to occur with AI-driven network-based platforms starting next year.

2. Generative AI shaping content
This trend is a natural progression of what we observed in 2023: AI is increasingly creating better text, image, and video content. In the realm of video production, platforms like Synthesia and HeyGen already exist today, generating content with avatars based on real people. AI tools and generative AI will become increasingly tailored to specific industries, brands, and target audiences, with the aim of producing highly personalized and context-specific content. An example of this is the launch of Performance Max for Google campaigns, which uses AI-generated images for advertising materials. Soon, the generation of text, graphics, and videos will be available on every advertising platform, automatically tested and applied. This represents a novel way of working and opens up new opportunities for content marketing experts.

3. Display-free access to AI
Technology will become independent of displays on smartphones or tablets. We are witnessing the emergence of new devices that seamlessly integrate technology into people’s lives. An example is the “Humane AI Pin,” a chip with integrated AI that can be worn on clothing and projects content onto the hand. AI is becoming more accessible and wearable, heralding a transformative shift in how marketing engages with technology and intersects with people’s daily lives. Advertising is also evolving in response: without fixed displays, formats will transition from images to audio, and entirely new formats are conceivable, such as holograms or large-scale LED formats like the spherical multipurpose hall Sphere in Las Vegas.

4. Omnichannel approach becoming imperative
The integration of cross-platform strategies, aimed at delivering a unified and seamless brand experience for customers, will be crucial. This approach is the key to performance marketers’ ability to swiftly identify and respond to rapidly evolving trends. Marco Hochstrasser, co-founder and CEO of Nexoya, explains: “In particular, this shift steers away from traditional static and flight-based budget planning towards a dynamic, data-driven ‘always-on’ approach. Given the multitude of channels, marketing teams can no longer manually evaluate which channel is most important. Instead, the budget will increasingly be intelligently automated to be deployed in the right place – across all regions, channels, and campaigns. This is most effectively achieved using AI-based campaign optimization solutions.” Technology is set to liberate performance marketers from time-consuming routine tasks, affording them more time to focus on critical strategic responsibilities. 

5. AI evolving into a strategic co-pilot
The proliferation of channels naturally enhances the testability of AI, extending its reach and offering a multitude of opportunities for optimizing Return On Investment (ROI) due to a more extensive pool of variables. Moreover, technology empowers simulations, allowing for the exploration of ‘what-if’ scenarios and their strategic planning. Embracing this scenario-based thinking further facilitates communication between performance marketers and management. In essence, decisions are grounded in data rather than assumptions, enabling predictive simulations of expected outcomes, such as lead generation or Return On Advertising Spent (ROAS), across various potential scenarios, well before budget allocation.

Image Material


Artificial Intelligence will continue to drive profound changes in the marketing world in 2024. Strategic performance marketing in particular will benefit from this. (Photo: Adobe Stock/Tom)


Nexoya co-founder and CEO Marco Hochstrasser. (Photo: Nexoya AG)

About Nexoya

Startup Nexoya Ltd., based in Zurich and Berlin since 2018, delivers automated analyses for digital marketing for medium and large companies – user-friendly and data privacy-compliant. Using machine learning, the “nexoya Marketing Analytics” SaaS platform optimizes multi-channel marketing campaigns. The solution aggregates metrics from various channels such as Google Ads, Meta, Bing, Tiktok presents them clearly, and monitors the metrics. Based on the collected data and utilizing artificial intelligence (predictive analytics), Nexoya subsequently optimizes campaign budgets. This solution relieves marketing teams of operational routine tasks, streamlines automated data-driven decisions, and reduces marketing costs by up to 30 percent. Nexoya collects exclusively non-personalized data stored in certified Swiss data centers. Customers include well-known companies such as Yuh, Generali, Swisscom, or Kardex in Switzerland and Magix Software in Germany.

Press contact
Nexoya AG
Sabrina Ortmann
Tel: +49 (30) 549 092 40