A comment is a response that is often provided as an answer or reaction to a blog article or a post on a social network.

Depending on which platform you use, this metric can have alternative names, such as Comment Count (LinkedIn) or Post Comments (Facebook). 

Reasons to track Comments

Comments are a form of engagement on social media, and sometimes when marketers look at the analytics on various social media platforms, engagements are a top priority. Part of having exemplary performance includes the valuable interactions between your social media followers and the content you are posting. Social media comments can let you glimpse into how your audience feels about your content. However, it is important to understand that comments can be positive as well as negative. And in case you get confronted with a lot of negative feedback, you have to know that you can transform it into new product features or service improvements.

Common variations of Comments

Comment CountThis metric simply displays the number of comments gained.Linkedin
Post CommentsThis metric shows the amount of comments for a specific post.Facebook

How can tracking Comments help you to become more data-driven?

Comments are a good indicator of how good your audience interacts with your marketing efforts. A lot of comments means that your audience deeply cares about your brand, your product or service. That’s why you really have to pay attention to this metric. 

In order to get the most out of “Comments” you can compare it to other engagement metrics like “Reactions” or “Shares”. And also the ratio between “Comments” and “Impressions” can deliver valuable insights for the analysis of your marketing efforts. You can find out for example what percentage of your audience has a strong opinion about your product/service that they want to share.

Nexoya Pro Tip: Look into sentiment analysis of your comments, to learn more about what comments are positive or negative.

Download our free ebook to learn the fundamentals of data-drivenness with 17 marketing KPIs!

Additional information about Comments

  1. Everything you need to know about managing Social Media Comments
  2. 15 Features your KPI Tool Should Have to Boost Your Efficiency
  3. Why Responding to Social Media Comments is So Important

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