Press Release

Nexoya presents AI-supported simulation of scenarios in performance marketing / Benetton and Bike-Components provide insights into the results of their application of the Nexoya platform

Benetton and Bike-Components are already successfully optimizing their budget and performance targets with the marketing analytics company’s solution. With the new scenario simulation, companies can test the impact of their digital marketing with the help of AI.

Zurich and Berlin, 9 July 2024 – Nexoya offers advertisers a SaaS platform that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to optimize budgets for digital multi-channel campaigns. The company is now presenting a new function: the Scenario-Simulation. This enables marketing managers to simulate business scenarios with cross-channel campaign structures and portfolios by predicting the return on ad spend (ROAS) or cost-turnover ratio (CUR) of complex campaigns. For example, it is possible to show the effect of a ten per cent reduction or increase in advertising expenditure over the next month. Or how much budget would be required to achieve a ROAS of 275 per cent. Various results can be visualized through the use of AI. Marketing managers can then choose the best way to achieve their goals. The new feature is now included as standard in the Nexoya solution. Benetton and Bike-Components are currently the first users to test the simulation options for performance marketing in practice. With the help of AI technology, they can now predict sales, ROAS and even margins in order to strategically plan and manage digital advertising investments. The two global e-commerce brands also presented the results of their AI-based optimizations with the Nexoya platform at the K5 Future Retail conference in Berlin, Germany, on 25 June 2024.

Today’s marketing budget planning is usually based on numerous tables and data points, coupled with assumptions, which makes it time-consuming and error-prone. It is also difficult to answer strategically important questions. Furthermore, existing tools only allow for predictions within individual channels and do not offer a comprehensive and cross-channel perspective. Added to this is the challenging task of clearly communicating the effects of different budget scenarios within the organization. Marketers also often lack full transparency of their data, making it difficult to gain insights and act in a data-driven way. Finally, budget planning requires extensive data analysis and coordination within the organization, making it a time-consuming and tedious process.

Today’s performance marketing is faced with challenging requirements that can be mastered thanks to AI-based scenario simulation. Two leading e-commerce brands, Benetton and Bike-Components, are taking part in Nexoya’s early adopter programme and testing the new feature in practice. At the K5 conference, they also demonstrated how AI technology is already helping their marketing teams to predict sales and margins, optimize budgets and strategically plan and manage advertising investments. For example, extensive amounts of data can be integrated and seasonal fluctuations and different regional requirements can be mastered.

Benetton: Eight percent more sales and 30 percent savings in working hours 
As Digital Leader at Dentsu Italia, Jacopo Maraffino is responsible for digital marketing at Benetton, one of the largest clothing and fashion manufacturers: “The biggest challenge for Benetton was the high complexity of the data from a total of 26 countries. We tested Nexoya for six months with the aim of increasing sales from online retail and improving ROI. We optimized the four channels Meta, Google Ads, Bing and DV 360 with 18 AI models. What impressed us: The predictions of the expected optimization results matched reality 95 percent of the time. We achieved seven to eight percent additional conversions with the channels activated in the platform and we saved up to 30 percent operational working time. We can now focus on analyzing the data to better understand the insights and use them to make strategic decisions.” Benetton also solved another problem with the support of Nexoya: the company recorded a different percentage of return shipments in each region, which are almost unpredictable. So the algorithm was fed with internal data on the respective returns. This approach had a noticeable effect on the margin. Benetton was even able to take refunds into account in its advertising strategy to improve decision-making across different channels.

Bike-Components: More range, more time and efficient control
Berno Delius heads up the performance marketing team at online retailer Bike-Components: “We are an omnichannel e-commerce company with more than 86,000 products. Our marketing department manages over 200 advertising campaigns in more than ten countries. We are heavily involved in the digital paid media sector. Thanks to Nexoya, we have achieved a very wide reach and very efficient control of return-on-ad spend and profit-on-ad spend. In addition, we are seeing great time savings in our day-to-day operations. Nexoya’s platform supports us in expanding our campaigns, building the team and interdisciplinary networking. We can act more flexibly and the quality of our advertising activities has increased.” In the next step, Bike-Components would like to add further metrics with Nexoya and, for example, take weather data and geographical data into account.

Scenario simulation for deep insights into performance metrics and correlations
Marco Hochstrasser, co-founder and CEO of Nexoya: “With our new feature, scenario simulation, we mark a milestone in performance marketing. Our AI-powered technology enables marketers to simulate their cross-channel digital activities, test business scenarios and optimize investments. E-commerce experts receive a simulation across all digital performance channels, cross-channel budget allocations with up to 30 percent more sales and automated budget changes with 20 to 40 percent lower operating costs. They swap the previous tedious spreadsheets for intelligent, automated budget simulations.”

The product features of the scenario simulation:

  • Create and run multi-scenario business simulations based on a digital advertising portfolio
  • Deep insights into performance metrics and options
  • Recognize relationships between multiple metrics
  • Compare and communicate multiple scenarios
  • Directly apply a scenario to the current budget planning

Further Informations:

The AI-driven scenario simulation from Nexoya:

Image Material


First-time users Benetton/Dentsu Italia and Bike-Components, together with Nexoya, presented the results of their budget optimization with Nexoya’s AI-based solution at the K5 Conference 2024: (from left to right): Berno Delius, Bike-Components, Marco Hochstrasser, Nexoya, and Jacopo Maraffino, Benetton/Dentsu (Photo: Nexoya).


Jacopo Maraffino, Digital Leader at Benetton/Dentsu Italia, presented the results of the Nexoya Platform application at the K5 Conference 2024 (Photo: Nexoya).


Marco Hochstrasser, CEO at Nexoya, presented the new feature on the occasion of the official release of the scenario simulation at the K5 conference (Photo: Nexoya).


Scenario simulation in the demo account: Overview of various scenarios and key performance indicators. Graphical visualization of the correlation between budget and revenue (Graphic: Nexoya).


Scenario simulation in the demo account: Comparison table of the different scenarios and their key performance indicators (Graphic: Nexoya).

About Nexoya

The marketing analytics company Nexoya Ltd., based in Zurich and Berlin, has been implementing automated analyses for the digital marketing of medium-sized and large companies since 2018 – in a user-friendly and data protection-compliant manner. The “nexoya Marketing Analytics” SaaS platform uses machine learning to optimise multi-channel marketing campaigns: For this purpose, the solution aggregates key figures from different channels such as Google Ads, Meta or LinkedIn, presents them clearly and takes over the monitoring of the key figures. Nexoya then optimises the campaign budgets based on the data collected and using artificial intelligence (predictive analytics). The solution relieves marketing teams of routine operational tasks, simplifies automated data-driven decisions and reduces marketing costs by up to 30 per cent. Nexoya only collects non-personalised data that is stored in certified Swiss data centres. Its customers include well-known companies such as Yuh, Generali, Swisscom and Kardex in Switzerland and Magix Software in Germany.

Press contact
Nexoya GmbH, Berlin
Sabrina Ortmann
Phone: +49 (30) 549 092 40